Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Our Nation's Capital

We are back in DC after more than three weeks in Europe. We are at a B&B which is more expensive and lower quality than what we experienced overseas, but, perhaps, that is just a reflection on just how expensive this city is.  Our son & family live here; they enjoy its many attractions and are doing well.  But it is far from a favorite of mine.

I see the tremendous wealth here; a result of the concentration of power and tax receipts gathered across our country and brought together in one place.  Tremendous economic disparity and racial polarization are also present.  This is a gathering point for all who think that big government can solve our problems, but a glance at the city itself shows that politicians have failed at even creating harmony in this one place.

Walking between our B&B and our son's cramped condo, I passed through an area where day and night many loiter, a major location for drug dealing.  Ordering a smoothie at McDonalds, when I ask whether the smoothie contains any milk, the clerk did not understand until the word "leche" was substituted for "milk".   Walking the neighborhood near our B&B, I noted several signs in yards stating, "Black Lives Matter".  I wonder what the reaction would be if the signs said, "White Lives ...."  When our host at the B&B discovered that the TV was turned to FOX news, he became concerned.  He explained to me that in this "liberal" city, some people become angry and confrontational if people are allowed to watch FOX.

We will, of course, be returning to this city to see our son, his wife, and their new baby.  It is convenient to do this on our way to Europe.  We still have some Euros, so we need to spend them.  Perhaps, the next trip will be centered around Prague, Krakow, Budapest, and Vienna.  Europe is so civilized.

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