Friday, March 23, 2018

B&B insights

We have often favored B&Bs as a place to stay; more personalized than a hotel.  You can learn by interacting with your hosts.  We are currently staying with a Chinese family.  They come from Shanghai; moved here four years ago with neither of them speaking any English.  They had to give up a successful business designing and producing lingerie; let go their employees.  They came because their daughter was so sick from the pollution; she had been hospitalized several times.  They were told she could die.  So they moved to New Zealand on a trial basis. Their daughter has now completely recovered; participates in several sports, but she got sick again when they re-visited Shanghai.  Thus, the daughter cannot go back to China.  They are looking at colleges for her in the United States. Once the daughter leaves for college, the family will move back to Shanghai to take care of their elderly parents.

The family commitment is obvious; such commitment is common in Asian cultures.  Is that the reason for the high success rate of Asians?  Didn't we used to have greater family bonds in the U.S.?  Has our government and social media replaced family support?  Travel exposes us to such new situations and ideas.  Imagine moving to a new country, new language, new culture, and starting over.  That takes strong determined individuals.

We commented on the really high quality sheets on our bed at the B&B; so soft, smooth, and wrinkle free.  We asked if there was a website or store where we could buy such sheets.  Our hostess told us they were homemade locally.  Then when we were leaving, she gave us a gift of a new king-sized sheet and refused any payment.  Her comment was that life is about more than money.  What great people!  

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